Tornado Season: Plan for Outages Before Storms Strike

Many Southern Pine Electric members have witnessed the destruction of tornadoes or hurricanes as they barreled their way through Mississippi. These dangerous weather events caused massive damages and prolonged outages, and since we never know when severe weather will strike again it is always best to be prepared.

Typical outages tend to be much shorter in duration, and often just a brief nuisance, but can be less frustrating with a little planning and preparation. Whether it is an extended outage due to a severe weather event, or a shorter outage, Southern Pine encourages you to be ready.

An Outage Preparation Kit is a must-have item in Mississippi where severe weather systems occur regularly. Here is what you need to be safe, prepared, and comfortable during times of outage.

  1. Flashlights, lanterns, and candles – These are essential to light the way for safety.
  2. First Aid Kit – Many first aid kits are available at retailers, or you can make your own (visit to find essential contents of a first aid kit).
  3. Water – Always have more water than you think you may need.
  4. Non-Perishable Food – Some examples are crackers, trail mix, protein and breakfast bars, canned foods, and other pantry items.
  5. Medications – Adequate supplies of medications can be a lifesaver during an outage, particularly in extended outages.
  6. Hygiene Products – Baby wipes, hand sanitizer and deodorant will be your friend in an extended outage.
  7. Batteries & Battery-Powered Chargers – Make sure to include all types of batteries.
  8. Battery-Powered Radio – This is crucial for staying updated on emergency-related progress when all else fails.
  9. Sleeping Bags & Blankets – When the power is off, particularly in cold weather, you’ll be thankful for the extra blankets.
  10. Books, Board Games, Playing Cards – Boredom can be one of the most frustrating things in an outage, particularly for children. Make sure you have plenty of entertainment items in your kit.

    To stay up to date on the latest information, please follow the Southern Pine Electric Facebook page and visit us online at


    Southern Pine Electric is a member-owned, not-for-profit cooperative that distributes electricity to more than 69,000 members in 11 counties in central and south Mississippi. Headquartered in Taylorsville, Southern Pine has offices in Brandon, Newton, Hattiesburg and New Hebron.

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