The Power of Choice
Log in or sign up for your My Power account to view and pay your bill, see your daily usage, sign up for paperless billing and more. You may also pay through electronic bank draft, by mail, by using our automated phone system or in person at any Southern Pine office.
Set up recurring bank draft payment when you create your MYPOWER account, and never worry about missing a payment again.
When you sign up for recurring payments, your bills are automatically paid from your bank account.
To set up recurring payments, click here for a form to complete and return to Southern Pine at any location or by mail:
Please continue to make payment by mail, phone or in person until your statement indicates that the account is paid by draft. If you need the draft to be effective immediately, please contact your local office.
you can pay online with your My Power account or quickly and easily register for a new My Power account to pay.
My Power members have the following payment options:
- Pay from a bank account.
- Pay with a credit card or debit card.
To sign in to your My Power account or to register for your new My Power account, click here:
You can now make electronic payments by telephone. To pay your electric bill by phone call now.
For your convenience have the following available:
- Your Southern Pine Electric account number.
- Credit card or debit card.
Mail-in or In-Person
To ensure your payment is posted to the correct account include your account number on checks or money orders mailed to Southern Pine Electric, and enclose your bill stub with your payment. Send mail to:
Southern Pine Electric
Department 1340
PO Box 2153
Birmingham, AL 35287-1340
Pay in Person
You can pay your bill in person, at a drive-thru, or in a drop-box at headquarters or one of the district offices. Remember, drop box payments should always be made by check or money order—not cash. Also, to ensure your payment is posted to the correct account, include your account number on your check or money order, and enclose your bill stub with your payment.