Southern Pine Electric will be upgrading equipment in your area.

We have contracted with Allegiant to assist with this project. No Allegiant or Southern Pine employee will request access inside a home. In the event Allegiant cannot access a meter, they will leave a door hanger with instructions to the homeowner.

This upgrade is part of the general work plan to ensure improved efficiency and infrastructure reliability, including shortening the duration of outages when they do occur.

Unless instructed by Allegiant, there is no need for you to schedule an appointment.

Members are encouraged to call Allegiant at 888-502-1845 or send an email to if they have any questions.

To pay your bill online, you can login to your MyPower account or use MyPower Quickpay.

If you do not have a MyPower account, please create one to pay your bill, view your bill, monitor usage, and more. 

Attention Members
If paying with credit card, a 2.45% convenience fee will be added. If paying with e-Check, a $1.00 convenience fee will be added. You can avoid this fee completely if you pay by a different method. (cash, bank draft, or a paper check)